Mitsubishi GTO / 3000GT Fault Diagnosis
Guide, hint's and tips to diagnose and correct electrical faults.
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If you’re looking for help finding electrical or electronics faults with your Mitsubishi GTO, Mitsubishi 3000GT or Dodge Stealth then this article is for you. Presently this page is limited in coverage but we'll be expanding coverage in the near future. For now we've collected several technical documents that we hope you'll find useful keeping your car on the road. Feel free to contact us with additions or corrections.

This article is a guidance only. As such we take no responsibility for damage or injury relating to the information or instructions we’ve provided. If in doubt, seek assistance from an automotive electrician.
While most electrical systems in your Mitsubishi GTO/3000GT, aside from the ignition coils, won’t electrocute you there is plenty of scope to cause a fire, burn yourself or cause expensive damage to your car.
Some diagnostics require the car’s electrical systems are powered on. Where this is not required we advise disconnecting the battery negative terminal. Take care not to cause short circuits and not to apply excessive strain on the wiring loom and electrical connectors. Do not disconnect any connectors with the ignition on unless specifically advised to do so.

If you're comfortable getting 'hands-on' with your Mitsubishi's electrical system, here are the tools you'll need:
Selection of screw drivers
Metric socket set
A digital multi-meter (DMM), $40 / £30 on Amazon
Insulation piercing needle probes for the DMM, $10 / £8 on Amazon
A test light, $10 / £8 on Amazon
A set of small picks, helpful to unlatch connectors
Reference Documents
Note that Mitsubishi made changes to model specification based on geographic location, date and selected vehicle options. There may be discrepancies between your Mitsubishi and these documents.
Service Manual 3000GT 1991 Volume 1
Service Manual 3000GT 1991 Volume 2
Service Manual Stealth 1994 Volume 1
Service Manual Stealth 1994 Volume 2
Service Manual 3000GT 1996 European Chassis Supplement
Service Manual 3000GT 1998 European Electrical Wiring Supplement
Mitsubishi 3000GT - GTO OBD 1 Diagnostic Connector
Mitsubishi 3000GT - GTO Fuel System Diagram 1991